Minggu, 10 November 2019

Sombere and Smart City Makassar, Aligning Technology and Local Identity

Sombere and Smart City Makassar, Aligning Technology and Local Identity

Sulawesi has an incredible diversity in terms of people, cultures, and environment. South Sulawesi is in the middle of Indonesia and the capital city is Makassar. Which is famous for its appreciation to courage and self-esteem. 
The city's performance has declined due to increased urbanization. Urbanization is characterized by a growing number of population densities and the city must be ready to face various problems. Problems that are clearly visible is are in the form of traffic congestion, slum housing, scarcity of resources, problems of waste and pollution, unhealthy environmental problems, and so on. Not only physical problems, but other problems will also continue to develop along with the decreasing physical quality of city services, the ability of the cities that cannot put some balance among the existing problems so that public confidence in the government decreases which triggers social problems. The existence of these physical and social problems resulted in the city being uncomfortable to live in, therefore the city must be prepared and have strategic steps in solving these problems (Albino, Berardi, & Dangelico, 2015).
In responding to urban problems, which are the main causes of the decline in city performance, there are many kinds of urban development concepts developed by academics and practitioners. The concept continues to be developed in order to obtain the right formulation so that the city becomes a comfortable habitat for its inhabitants and can continue to be sustainable. Cities must be able to respond to the needs of the community by looking for sustainable solutions from social and economic aspects (Turcu 2015).
One effort that can be an option in overcoming city problems is by utilizing the development of information and communication technology (Li, Lin, & Geertman, 2015: 3), through information and communication technology can have a positive impact on the population which inhabit a city.
In 2014-2019 during the reign of Danny Pomanto, Makassar focused on cities that were friendly and environmentally knowledge. The main vision of the maritime city, commerce, education, culture and services in the regional vision, in the regional vision of 2013-2018 was placed as part of the substance of the world city. Associated with the vision of the South Sulawesi Provincial Government in 2018, the relevance of the 2014-2019 Makassar City Government's vision lies in the position of the comfortable city of Makassar for all which is an important part of the actualization South of Sulawesi as the Main Pillar of National Development and the Network of Accelerating Welfare in 2018 (Reza 2017).
This concept is very much in line with developments in the era of industrial revolution 4.0, the use of internet-based technology is applied in various fields of life. The concepts of the internet of things, artificial intelligence, and big data in Makassar is applied while still paying attention to the local culture. The sombere smart city is a program from government to improve the city.  sombere comes from Makassar language, which means hospitality, kindness, and brotherhood. That is what you want to connect with the application of technology that has local wisdom.  Efforts to combine sombere which is a local term for the community, in building smart cities. Makassar's smart city is not related to hardware and software. "our Smart city has sombere as heartware that connects the heart and mind,"(Kompas 2019).
Speaking about sustainable living, the Sombere concept and smart city are very much in line with this. Socialization and implementation of programs are initiated in small communities in slums to improve their standard of living. Makassar City has been able to monitor congestion and payment systems for online parking that are already on the track. In addition, the city of Makassar also has a Makassar Smart Card which can be used for interests in matters of government systems and tax payments. There is also the Makassar Home Care and Telemedicine program known as "Dottoro'ta" serving the community in the health sector and the Makassar Student Smart Card program in the education sector. In the implementation and development of Smart City in Makassar City, of course there are many stakeholders involved, both from the City Government itself and from the private sector or public-private partnerships (Isnaeni 2018).
There are 6 main things in technology-based services in Makassar, namely; First, smart governance, namely optimizing public services from the government. Second, smart branding that is increasing awareness of the character of the city, especially for tourism. Third, smart economy, namely building a good ecosystem and encouraging a less cash society. Fourth, smart living is how to create a comfortable life and increase awareness in health. Fifth, smart society is to build an interactive and humanistic society. Sixth, the smart environment is reducing and utilizing waste and creating a better energy source (Sindonews 2018).
The success of the government gives the touch of Makassar City with reaping praise and appreciation from Indonesian and foreign communities. In particular, the mayor explained the concept before dozens of professors at the 2nd International Conference on Accounting, Management and Economics (ICAME 2017) at Baruga Anging Mammiri held by the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Hasanuddin, Makassar. On another occasion the Mayor of Makassar, Moh. Ramdhan ‘Danny’ Pomanto, appeared as a guest speaker at Australia's Smart Cities Week to present his concept in front of a number of world innovators (Republika .
According to Danny, the applied Makassar Sombere and Smart City concept succeeded in making Makassar increase Regional Revenues by up to three times. "Makassar's revenue from Rp. 500 billion in 2014 became Rp. 1.4 trillion in 2018 and reduced inflation to 3% and increased economic growth to 8% in 2018
Efforts to build smart cities need community participation and awareness. One of them is the touching heart protocol or touch heart protocol. With the hope that the happiness index will have an increase, our per capita income will also increase, and inflation will strive to decline.
The "Makassar Sombere & Smart City" program is expected to be a superior program in the development of urban communities by maximizing the potential of resources to be efficient and effective. Sombere 'is the legacy of local Makassar culture that is meaningful. It is a great form of humble, great hospitality, and great brotherhood. "Smart city makes every city equal, but it is the principle of sombere that makes us more than just another smart city".

Albino, V., Berardi, U., & Dangelico, R. M. (2015). Smart cities: Definitions, dimensions, performance, and initiatives. Journal of urban technology22(1), 3-21.
Isnaeni, Wilda. 2018. Utilisasi Infrastruktur Smart City As a Community Development Program case at Home
Care and Telemedicine, Makassar. Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2018.http://etd.repository.ugm.ac.id/
Li, Y., Lin, Y., & Geertman, S. (2015, July). The development of smart cities in China. In Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management (pp. 7-10).
Reza, M. F. Lukman. (2017). Representation of Makassar Identity Message In City Branding I Love MC Sombere 'and Smart City. Department of Communication Science. Faculty of Social and Politics. Universitas Hasanuddin.
Turcu, R. D. (2015). Integrated reporting: The next step ahead for a sustainable society. European Journal of Business Science and Technology1(1), 65-77.

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